
Viburnum dentatum

Growing Information

Plant Type: Shrub
Sunlight: Sun, part shade
Soils: Acidic moist, well-drained, average
Bloom Time: White flowers in May, June
Size: 6-10 feet in height; 5-10 foot spread

Upright growing shrub that turns shades of yellow, orange, and red in the fall. It can be used for borders, hedges or screens, or as mass plantings and groupings, foundation plantings, or as a backdrop to a pollinator or wildlife garden. Fruits are dark blue. If you must prune, do so immediately after flowering since flower buds form in the summer for the following year.

Garden Companions

Eastern Wood Fern (Dryopteris marginalis), Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina), White Turtlehead (Chelone glabra), Golden Groundsel (Packera aurea)

Nature Benefits

• Attracts Red Admiral, Eastern Comma and Question Mark butterflies
• Host plant providing food for the caterpillar stage of Spring Azure Butterfly and Hummingbird Moth.
• Fruit is food for a variety of songbirds.

Native Habitat

Occurs in forest edges, shady upland woods, and wetland edges.

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