
Phlox divaricata

Growing Information

Plant Type: Perennial
Sunlight: Shade, Partial
Soils: Medium to dry
Bloom Time: May, June
Size: 1-2 feet in height

This true native wild phlox has five petals and opposite leaves. It is a native to Connecticut, but not indigenous to Cape Cod. It spreads by its roots, but slowly. The showy flowers of blue to lavender attract pollinators making it an excellent addition to a pollinator garden. It is also an effective, shallow-rooted cover for early spring bulbs. A good plant for a small space.

Garden Companions

Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina), Wild Columbine (Aquigelia canadensis), Calico Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum)

Nature Benefits

• Attracts pollinators
• Offers nectar for hummingbirds

Native Habitat

Occurs in woodlands.

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