
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium

Growing Information

Plant Type: Perennial
Sunlight: Prefers full sun
Soils: Prefers lean, medium-dry soil conditions
Bloom Time: Light purple flowers in September, October, sometimes into November
Size: 2 feet in height, stiff stems will branch out giving a bush-like appearance

Native to other parts of the country, this is an aster that can be easily found in retail nurseries to add to late flowering plants to support pollinators. It is the leaves that are aromatic on this
aster. When in bloom, the light purple flowers cover the bush-like plant and slowly bronze to a reddish purple. The plant may “open up” if it gets too top heavy, so a good prune in June is helpful. This aster does well in lean soils.

Garden Companions

Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)

Nature Benefits

• Highly resistant to deer and rabbits
• A favorite for butterflies and bees

Native Habitat

In its native range, it occurs in rocky and sandy soils such as those found in prairies and bluffs as well as in moist woodland habitats.

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