
Monarda punctata

Growing Information

Plant Type: Perennial
Sunlight: Full sun to part shade
Soils: Dry to moist soils, does well in poor soils
Bloom Time: Summer blossoms – July, August, September; interesting flower!
Size: 2-3 feet in height

Also called Dotted Mint or Dotted Horsemint, this plant is amazingly drought tolerant. Pollinators love this plant. Aromatic foliage, in bud, it forms saffron-colored rosettes in whorls along the top half of the stem. When the whorls release, watercolor-painted petals with little freckles are exposed and later mature to a soft pinkish-dawn color. These painted petals hold at the end of the flower spike for weeks upon weeks as they peek out through what appears to be leaf bracts.

Garden Companions

Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa); Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa); Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)

Nature Benefits

• Nectar source for diverse number of pollinators
• Host for the Raspberry pyrausta butterfly caterpillar

Native Habitat

Occurs naturally fields, clearings, and roadsides.

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